Because we are chemical beings, chemicals control every aspect of our lives (an overly simplistic statement that does work for this article). Every chemical our bodies require to be happy, healthy, creative, motivated, and more can be produced by our bodies. Why aren’t we all of those things if these propositions are true, which they are? Why are so many of us insecure, worried, sad, unwell, unmotivated, and stuck in our present circumstances? We are dependent on the chemicals (neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and hormones) required to lead miserable, bad lives, is one straightforward explanation. We have been emotionally trained to seek to others for love, pleasure, contentment, and other positive emotions. In order to keep us dependent on our accustomed, disempowering states of being, we are constantly exposed to news, entertainment, and advertising that elicit strong emotions or feelings. Turn off your network broadcast TV if you’re sick of where you are in life or with your life. Your internally manufactured compounds will be of higher quality simply by doing that simple/difficult(?) task.

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You only need to examine your behaviour, belief, and emotional response patterns to discover why change is so challenging and delayed in your life. Most of them have been there for a while, causing us to act, think, and react in the same ways we did in the past as a result of environmental events and other people. Even when these patterns don’t deliver the outcomes we actually need or want, we frequently respond in the same ways. The majority of us are familiar with feeling powerless due to stress, worry, anxiety, criticism, envy, rage, etc. Each of these feelings, convictions, and thoughts releases chemicals that lead us to react in predictable, consistent ways. Because they set us out on the addictive cycle of feeling the way we think and thinking the way we feel, we are familiar with our particular chemicals or sets of chemicals. Each of these chemically active thoughts has the potential to harm you, lead to disempowering beliefs and habits, and keep you a loyal customer of whatever “they” are peddling, whether it be goods or rhetoric.

You can adjust and learn to manage the chemicals in your mind, but it will take dedicated work. To start fostering true self-empowerment and creativity, learn to alter your feelings, thoughts, and responses.

I’ll leave the topic of internal chemicals alone for the time being because it has been and will continue to be the subject of volumes of writing. I urge you to learn a lot more. Now let’s talk about the chemicals in our surroundings. There are so many of them that we essentially live in a chemical soup from drinking water to hot tubs to insecticides to pharmaceuticals to herbicides to industrial pollutants. These substances all have an impact on both our world and us.

A few years ago, I came upon a heartbreaking image of a Gulf War veteran cuddling his little daughter who was born without arms. I am aware of how people can grow stronger and how difficult situations can give rise to amazing, enduring connections. The image moved me, and it made me think of a report I once gave to the other directors of the head injury clinic I used to work at. It was my responsibility to warn everyone working in the clinic about the dangers of a specific drug that was prescribed for one of our clients. The majority were unaware of it, and those who were aware believed that the newest products were unique (which they are not). More than 10,000 severe birth abnormalities were brought on by the same medicine between the late 1950s and 1961. Do some study; the makers and dealers of this prescription are making millions of dollars; spin doctors are at work, yet there are photographs and accounts of the victims of the substance (chemical) screaming for you to pay attention. This medication is readily available in our world right now, and I wonder whether the soldier from the Golf War was exposed to a group of chemicals that caused his body to react in a manner similar to that awful chemical or prescription.

One significant outlet in Northwest Montana sold more than 2,000 containers of the most well-liked herbicide brand in 2011, and there are at least 20 more retailers selling the same brand of herbicide within a 100-mile radius. In the same market, three other herbicide brands are available for purchase. Although I don’t have sales information for the other herbicides or the other stores, I do have some reasoning. In 2011, tons/thousands (millions?) of gallons of only herbicides were sold in this one tiny market region of Northwest Montana. What happens to all of this stuff, and what are the cumulative effects of ten years of usage or abuse? Who can recall Agent Orange?

A David Ewing Duncan piece titled “The Pollution Within” was published in National Geographic in 2006. Mr. Duncan underwent testing for 320 substances that he might have consumed by food, drink, air, or other environmental factors. David’s body contained PCBs, PBDEs, pesticides, dioxins, phthalates, PFAs, metals, and five of the chemicals were present in concentrations high enough to cause serious health issues. His body’s unique systems, including the neurological, thyroid, liver, reproductive, and kidney systems, were impacted by “his” chemicals. I’m curious about our levels and how these chemicals interact with or alter the chemicals produced by our body.

Or is it? The FDA was set up to safeguard us against chemical toxins. Every food, medication, and chemical in our environment is either approved or disapproved by the FDA. The rules are set by the FDA, with government approval. Fluoride is simply one of many instances where the FDA isn’t acting in our best interests. One of the very few nations where fluoride is added to drinking water and other items is the United States. In addition to the fact that we use fluoride almost exclusively, more than 50 studies from many years ago concluded that fluoride is poisonous and dangerous for human health. Because we consume it, use it in our food, and combine it with other chemicals, fluoride is one of the fundamental components of our chemical soup.